First Post πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Let’s do this

My blog is finally up and running πŸŽ‰ . This month I also became 4* on CodeChef

CodeChef Rating

Here are some tips and mistakes I made to help you

  • Do not ignore the Long Challenge. I ignored it for way too long ( pun intended 😜 ) but it really helps in getting your rating up quickly.
  • Only giving contest is not gonna be enough. If you are not Upsolving then there no point in giving contests. Without upsolving it like giving the same test over and over without learning anything new.So either upsolve or take time off contest and learn new data structure , algorithms and techniques.
  • If you participate in all three main contest of Codechef ( Long , Cook-Off, Lunch) for a year you will receive 1000 CodeChef Laddus which you can use to order CodeChef Goodies. This is actually quite a decent deal if you think about it, getting goodies just for participating. A perfect Win Win situation.

Good Resources